Southeast Asia: actual problems of development
[Yugo-Vostochnaya Azia: aktualnye problemy razvitiya] ISSN 2072-8271
Issue of magazine for 2022 year
№1(54) ‐ №2(55) ‐ №3(56) ‐ №4(57)
Content for 2022 year №4(57)
Rogozhin Alexander China – Southeast Asia: Features of Cross-Border Trade in Counterfeit Goods
Korolev Alexander , Vaseneva Ekaterina , The Transformation of ASEAN Resilience Mechanisms: Security Aspects
, American-Chinese Controversies around the Taiwan Strait (Part 2. Legal Interpretations and Controversies)
Development of Cross-Border River Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Ignatov Vladislav Prospects of Indian Arms Exports to the Countries of Southeast Asia
Pale Sofia The Role of the Pacific Islands Forum in the Great Game of the World Powers
Popov Aleksandr Gold of Indonesia (Part 3.)
Kyrchanoff Maksym Chinese Muslims as a Segment of Nusantara Islam in Modern Indonesia
Kirichenko Vladimir Some aspects of Indonesia-Saudi relations
Dmitry Mosyakov Russia and Vietnam before and after Sanctions
Simonia Aida The People's Defense Forces of Myanmar and the Position of the West
Fomicheva Elena Legalization of marijuana in Thailand as part of the global trend (Part 2.)
Lipilina Irina Soft Power of Thailand in Laos
Kanaev Evgeniy The Digital Agenda of ASEAN Economic Community 2025: A Response from the Singapore Airlines
Становление Независимого Государства Папуа – Новая Гвинея в 1970-1980-х гг.: проблемы и пути их решения
Garin Artyom Australia's and Pacific Island Countries' Reaction to the Russian Special Military Operation In Ukraine
New Zealand as an Indicator of Upcoming Changes in the Domestic Policy of the "Collective West"
Maletin Nikolay , Khokhlova Natalya Russia and Indonesia: Past and Present of Bilateral Relations
Kucherenko Grigory The COVID-19 pandemic in Cambodia: course and consequences
Muratshina Xenia , Borodina Еvgeniya China’s Cultural Activity in ASEAN Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Petrova Olga Pendhok Features of Surakarta Keris
Panarina Daria Philippine Education System during the Era of the Third Philippine Republic: 1946–1965
Sokolov Anatoly Vietnam in Russian and Soviet Literature: Historical and Bibliographic Review (1910s - 2010s). Part 2.
, Nguyen Thi Bich Ngọc Мировоззрение Хо Ши Мина и внешняя политика Вьетнама в период обновления
Astafieva Ekaterina Southeast Asia and the South Pacific: Current Development Issues – 2022