Southeast Asia: actual problems of development

[Yugo-Vostochnaya Azia: aktualnye problemy razvitiya] ISSN 2072-8271

Issue of magazine for 2023 year

№1(58) №2(59) №3(59) №4(60) №5(61)

Content for 2023 year №4(60)

Dmitry Mosyakov Some Aspects of Chinese-Russian Regional Cooperation after the Beginning of Special Military Operation

Kosareva Ekaterina , Korolev Alexander Salient Features of the Indo-Pacific Region Conceptualization by Indonesia and India

Astafieva Ekaterina US-China Rivalry in the South Pacific in the Context of Global Transformation of International Relations

Kanaev Evgeniy The Metaverse in Southeast Asia: Teething Problems

Garin Artyom Почему новая внешнеполитическая концепция России важна для стран Океании?

Drugov Alexey Indonesia between Ideology and Reality: Social Stratification

Popov Aleksandr Prabowo Subianto is a Contender for the Presidency of Indonesia (Part 3.)

Bektimirova Nadezhda Large-Scale Transition of Power in Cambodia as a Result of the 2023 Parliamentary Election

Kucherenko Grigory Ream Naval Base as One of the Factors of Tension in Relations between China and the United States

Mazyrin Vladimir Vietnam's economy in 2023 – the consequences of development under neoliberal paradigm

Shevko Aleksandra New Investment Opportunities for Russia in Southeast Asia (Vietnam and Indonesia as Examples)

Popov Aleksandr Trade and Economic Relations of the Republic of Indonesia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Panarina Daria Priority Areas of Cooperation between Moscow and Manila

Zabella Anastasia , Katkova Evgeniya New Trends in China-Australia Relations

East Timor and Australia: Strategic Aspects of Cooperation and the Timor Gap Problem

Mosolova Olga Scientific Researches in Australia

Kanaev Evgeniy , Fedorenko Dmitry Whither ASEAN Smart Cities Network? Evidence from Singapore and its Energy Policy.

Zakharov Anton Wife a Position? Legal Practice in the Indonesian Award System

Creative Economy for Sustainable Development: Trash Art in Singapore

History of the flags of Madang (Papua New Guinea)

Miazin Nikolai Singapore: Asiatic Antioch of the Christian Church

Pai Marire – the First Maori Сhurch

Panarina Daria , Astafieva Ekaterina South Pacific Region in the Past and the Present: History, Politics, Economy, Culture – 2023

Dudnikov Stanislav Book Review: The Maclay Coast in the Diaries and Notes of Ethnographers / resp. ed. A. V. Tutorsky - St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2021 - 358 pp.














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